Inspiring new careers!

CV Resources including Free Professional CV Reviews


A brief about the author:

Jane has considerable HR and Recruiting expertise and has been on all ends of the hiring spectrum - from HR and Business Management across a wide range of companies to owning multiple companies herself.  In addition, she has worked for the BBC, healthcare corporations, non-profits, online media publishing and recruiting agencies.

In her words:

I can spot BS a mile off, I’d much rather have someone in front of me who is authentic, has done their homework about the company and seems enthusiastic about the job as well as our company goals. Someone who shows interest in a career path within the company is always a bonus for them and us.”


There’s lots of conflicting advice out there about how to create a great CV and cover letter.  It will be no surprise to you then that depending on what type of position you’re looking for, adapting your CV and getting tips from a range of resources will serve you well.  It’s worth paying attention to where there are overlaps are i.e. where the various resources agree and go use that.


One thing to notice is how the job description is written. If it’s highly detailed, you can go into more detail in your CV.  If it’s very concise, make your CV to the point and more concise but don't leave anything pertinent out.


Before we go further, a great place to look for a job is on the company website directly, that is the companies you wish to work for.  Some companies outsource their recruiting while others don’t so the only way to apply for some jobs is directly with the company. 


Here are some excellent resources to get you on the right track to creating a fabulous CV for 2020 and getting that job in a company you really want to work for.


Oxford University experts offer advice and step-by-step CV advice and tips with downloadable templates.


CV Templates (Downloadable) and Ideas for Cover Letters


How to Build a CV with Little Experience

First Job? No problem! Check out the link below and get great CV tips for first jobbers.

First Job CV

Sample CVs by Job Title


FREE CV ASSESSMENT RESOURCES brought to you by Jobgrabba

Free CV Assessment

Free CV Review


LinkedIn Offer Advice and Resources for Creating your CV on LinkedIn

Create Your CV on LinkedIn


Customiser CV Maker Online



James Innes have a range of Professional Interview Coaching options as varying fees depending on what you want.


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