A little background. Prior to 2016, the UK government came up with a plan to increase the National Minimum Wage over a fixed period of years. At that time, the projected National Minimum Wage for 2020 was expected to be £9 per hour. However, the actual National Minimum Wage for 2020 is now expected to be £8.61 and not the original £9 projected.
These figures are for persons 25+ in the UK. It is to be noted that most countries do not typically have the same age bias criteria and simply consider people of working age as adults. Notwithstanding this, in Singapore for example, the National Minimum Wage was primarily adopted for cleaners so they could be protected.
Also of importance is that some cities, both in the UK and other parts of the world have adopted higher minimum wages than their Government's National Minimum Wage.
LIST OF COMPARISONS - NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGES FOR 2019 ACROSS THE WORLD (Order: Highest First) We chose samples from each continent. All amounts are in Euros. (To find out what this correspondents to in £s, visit for UK equivalent).
1996.60 Euros/month AUSTRALIA
1665.20 Euros/month NEW ZEALAND
1557 Euros/month GERMANY
1524.5 Euros/month UNITED KINGDOM
1521.20 Euros/month FRANCE
1229.90 Euros/month SOUTH KOREA
1200.3 Euros/month JAPAN
1050 Euros/month SPAIN
700 Euros/month PORTUGAL
1482.20 Euros/month CANADA
1097.5 Euros/month USA
886.60 Euros/month SLOVENIA
870.00 Euros/month CYPRUS
798 Euros/month SINGAPORE
758.30 Euros/month GREECE
606.80 Euros/month SAUDI ARABIA
525.80 Euros/month VENEZUELA
521.50 Euros/month URUGUAY
497.00 Euros/month TAIWAN
422.30 Euros/month TURKEY
383.2 Euros/month CHILE
240.20 Euros/month IRAN
240.1 Euros/month BRAZIL
226.60 Euros/month MALAYSIA
173.40 Euros/month ALGERIA
152.8 Euros/month RUSSIA
271.6 Euros/month CHINA
253.60 Euros/month EL SALVADOR
224.60 Euros/month PHILIPPINES
221.4 Euros/month SOUTH AFRICA
193.30 Euros/month THAILAND
144.80 Euros/month PAKISTAN
122.40 Euros/month KENYA
112.40 Euros/month UKRAINE
104.80 Euros/month INDONESIA
41.2 Euros/month INDIA
6.40 Euros/month GEORGIA
If you enjoy stats, more can be found at COUNTRY ECONOMIES
This information has been brought to you by sourcing information from multiple sources including UK's government website. We hope you found this interesting and informative.